Animal health

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Drömmen om en hund blev sann!

The dream of a dog came true!

Many people want to know if you can get a dog despite an allergy and, if so, how to do it. The dream of a dog in one's family despite allergies is more common than...
Allergener i vår omvärld: Hur de sprids och vad vi kan göra åt det

Spread of allergen in environments

Spread of allergen in environments The pandemic has led to many more dogs in society - a joy for all new dog-owning families. The spread of allergens has therefore become an even more important issue...
Allergenius är ”Bäst i test” enligt Råd & Rön

Allergenius is "Best in test" according to Råd & Rön

We are very proud to have received the rating "Best in test" by Råd&Rön. The test studied allergens and substances dangerous for both dogs and humans. Best in tests according to Råd & Rön We...
Valpkonsultpodden ­- Hur kan man skaffa hund trots pälsdjursallergi?

Puppy consultant podcast - How can you get a dog despite a fur allergy?

Puppy consultant podcast - How can you get a dog despite a fur allergy? Bo Karlstedt at Medi-Tec was interviewed by the Puppy Consultant podcast in April 2022 and talked about how you can get...
Allergivänliga hundar - finns de och var hittar vi dem?

Allergy-friendly dogs - do they exist and where do we find them?

Many scientific studies have been conducted to show whether there are hypoallergenic dog breeds. All studies have shown that there are no physiologically and generally more hypoallergenic dog breeds. But there is a greater difference...
Hund trots allergi?

Dog despite allergy?

Allergy to dogs is a common problem. At the same time, there are many people who would like to have a dog in the family. But dogs despite allergies can function well - read more...
Hundpodden - Hans Grönlund gästar

Hundpodden - Hans Grönlund guests

At the beginning of the week, we hosted the Hundpodden with Gurgîn Bakircioglu ! With 800,000 dogs and 1.5 million dog allergy sufferers in Sweden, it is quickly clear that the subject of dog allergy...
Allergenius® Allergiprofiltest hjälpte oss att välja rätt hund

The Allergenius® Allergy Profile Test helped us choose the right dog

Marie Björkman's wonderful story has been rewarded with 3 optional Allergenius® Special shampoo - conditioner products. We think it gives hope that more allergy sufferers will also be able to live with a dog! This...
Hundägare med pälsdjursallergi – Hur fungerar det?

Dog owners with fur allergies – How does it work?

In 2018, Medi-Tec carried out a survey with the help of the independent survey company Mistat, in collaboration with the Karolinska Institutet and the Swedish Kennel Club. The survey should be seen as an indicative...