Animal health

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Hälsans hundar - Podcast avsnitt om pälsdjursallergi

Health's dogs - Podcast episode about fur allergy

Here you can listen to when Hälsan's dogs interviewed us about fur allergy. The interview itself starts at 4:30 and lasts about 50 minutes. You can find it here. Hälsan's dogs are hosted by Medi-Tec...
Minska problemen med hundallergi – Tips och råd

Reduce the problems with dog allergies - Tips and advice

In case of allergy to fur animals, the immune system reacts to some of the animal's proteins. These are found in the animals' skin, saliva and in some cases in the urine. All fur animals...
Har din hund hudproblem? Testa en ny unik produkt!

Does your dog have skin problems? Try a new unique product!

Does your dog have skin problems? Try a new unique product! Soon we will launch a cleansing and caring gel against skin irritation! Join us and test the product - read more about how you...
Nu med ny formula - Allergenius® Specialbalsam

Now with a new formula - Allergenius® Special balm

Now Allergenius® Special Balm with our new further developed formula is available. It penetrates skin and fur more easily and makes it easier to untangle tangles. Otherwise, it has the same good properties as before....
Vi lanserar nu Allergenius® Allergiprofiltest

We are now launching the Allergenius® Allergy Profile Test

Are you allergic to dogs and want to know which of the six most common dog allergens you are sensitized to? You can now do that through a simple blood test. If you are sensitized...
Pälsvård - Här är våra bästa tips

Fur care - Here are our best tips

Taking care of your dog's fur in the best way is a job that requires accuracy and interest in fur care. Some breeds need more coat care, others less. Elin Lindberg is a professional dog...
Vinterkylan och hundens hälsa

The winter cold and the dog's health

Dogs, just like people, can have problems with dry and flaky skin in the winter. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the outdoor air contains significantly less water when it is...
DogBuddy - Din pålitliga hundvakt!

DogBuddy - Your reliable dog sitter!

We are happy to present DogBuddy as a new partner! DogBuddy is the marketplace for dog owners to find dog sitters in their local area when you are traveling away or have a lot at...
Hundmässan 2017 – Medverkan i Café Hundsnack

Dog Fair 2017 - Participation in Café Hundsnack

For the third year in a row, Medi-Tec was invited to the Swedish Kennel Club's dog show to talk about its research in "Café Hundsnack", and what can be done in the current situation to...