After 3–4 injections you are cured

Today, treating fur allergy is both time-consuming and complicated. Medi-Tec is working to develop a quick and simple cure. In five years, it could be available for you with allergy problems.
In order to completely get rid of the allergy, one needs to undergo immunotherapy today. Then the body gets used to the allergen by taking 30–60 injections over a period of at least three years. The treatment is demanding and takes a long time. Therefore, less than five percent of all allergy sufferers choose to cure their allergy with the help of immunotherapy.
The immunotherapy that is available for allergy to dogs also has very low efficiency. Therefore, only a small proportion of those who undergo the therapy actually get rid of their allergy.
Towards a simple cure
What if instead it was possible to cure fur allergy with three to four simple stitches? Just over ten years ago, Hans Grönlund, docent and research group leader at Karolinska Institutet, succeeded in doing just that. He found a completely new way to produce the cat allergen that most people react to. In addition, he innovated the method of injection so that it became possible to do it directly in the lymph node.
In this way, cat allergy could be cured with a few simple injections. However, the company that bought the patent failed in the costly task of bringing the cure to market.
Hans Grönlund is today one of Medi-Tec's scientific advisors and is working to develop a new cure for fur allergies. Research is progressing rapidly and with continued success we hope to reach our goal in five years: a cure for fur allergy – available to patients.
The reason why it takes several years to make this immunotherapy treatment with recombinant and modified allergens available to patients is that very extensive tests are required both in the laboratory and on humans (Read more on the page: Immunotherapy is developed ).
Also read the article about the research that forms the basis of our activities, on the Asthma- and Allergy Association's website .