Our product philosophy

All of them must jointly contribute to a healthier and simpler everyday life.
The products must be easy to understand for the average consumer and contribute to a healthier and simpler everyday life through their function. Addeira must actively work for sustainable production and delivery with manufacturing as close to the end markets as possible.

With our background as pharmacists, the customer's well-being has of course always been most important. That the right medical need is matched with the right product and the right advice.

To constantly work to improve both treatment and treatment. But we have also experienced that it can be difficult for the customer to understand the difference between all pharmacy products and that they may not relieve as well as desired. It made us put the white coat aside, at least for a while, to try to find better and more effective medical options.

Today, we can offer a variety of innovative self-care products, developed in close dialogue with the pharmacies, always with an aspiration for sustainable production. Each product has its own unique reason why it exists, but the commonality is that everyone should contribute a new function or a better effect.

With a little new thinking and a touch of stubbornness, we are proud to be able to contribute to improved self-care in this way. If we can improve the well-being of the individual, we do not burden the healthcare system unnecessarily, which also makes it better in the end.

Addeira was founded in 2019 by two pharmacists. Add stands for the values ​​we want to create. Eira comes from Eir, the goddess of healing. Since 2022, Addeira Pharmaceuticals AB also has a wholesale license to handle human and veterinary medicines. Personal concern, curiosity and optimism are our path to better well-being for the individual, healthcare and society at large.