Summer time - Avoid dangers for the dog

Summer time - Avoid dangers for the dog
Summer is almost here. For many, it means holidays and spending time with friends, family and their pets. Despite all the wonderful things that await, there are some dangers out in nature that can be good for dog owners to be aware of. We have listed some of these below as well as how you can proceed if the accident occurs.
There is much that attracts the dog's interest during the summer - here we have collected the most common dangers and tell you how you, as a dog owner, can protect your dog from them.
Blue-green algae during summer
Dogs that drink water or swim in lakes and streams where algal blooms occur can become poisoned by blue-green algae that contain algal toxins (cyanobacteria). Do you suspect that your dog has drunk from the water or gotten it in its coat? Make sure the dog does not lick itself and be sure to rinse and shampoo the dog's coat.
Symptoms of blue-green algae poisoning
Read more about blue-green algae and symptoms here .
Acorns contain tannin which is corrosive and can be fatal to dogs. The dog can suffer liver and kidney damage if ingested. A few are enough for it to be dangerous.
Symptoms of acorn poisoning
Decreased or no appetite
Tar-like diarrhea or constipation
Some mushrooms are poisonous and can be directly fatal to dogs. If you suspect that your dog has ingested a poisonous type of mushroom, try to find out which one and contact your veterinarian immediately.
Symptoms of mushroom poisoning
Plants and flowers
There are quite a few common plants that can be very poisonous. You will find a more detailed list of which plants are dangerous to eat here .
Other animals that pose a danger during summer time
The spring and early summer heat attracts the snakes. Dogs and cats are often bitten in the nose by, for example, vipers, which inject a poison in connection with the bite. A viper bite can, in addition to swelling, lead to damage to the kidneys, liver and heart and cause anemia. If your dog has been bitten, keep it still and contact a veterinarian immediately. Most often, the dog needs an antidote to fully recover.
Snake bite symptoms
Swelling that can spread over the body.
Toads have poison sacs under their skin and the poison in these is very sensitive to dogs. It is enough for the dog to lick a toad to get symptoms. So-called "toad poisoning" is not life-threatening, but can be troublesome for the dog and should of course be avoided.
Symptoms of toad ingestion
Increased salivation
Diminished pupils.
Wasp sting
As with some people, a wasp sting can cause an allergic reaction in dogs. Keep your dog under supervision where wasps are present (earth wasps are said to be extra aggressive). Follow the development after a bite, check the dog's general condition and act accordingly.
Symptoms of wasp stings
Local swelling
Breathing problems
Different poisons during summer time
Rat poison
Rat poison is put out in many parks during spring and summer. There are different types of certified poison and the content may vary. The substance alphachloralose is common and dangerous for dogs. Pay attention to signs that rat poison has been put out and also keep in mind that your dog can become ill if it has eaten a mouse or rat that has ingested the poison. Call the responsible park manager and find out what poison was used and notify your vet.
Symptoms of ingestion of rat poison
Bleeding from the nose, mouth or throat and blood in the stool, which can be a sign of internal bleeding.
Also pay attention to convulsions and drowsiness in the dog.
Symptoms usually appear 1–3 days after ingestion.
Snail repellent
Spanish wood snail, also called "killer snail", is a growing problem, which has contributed to an increased use of pesticides against them. The agent is toxic so avoid your dog ingesting it.
Symptoms of ingestion of snail pesticides
Small pupils
Increased salivation.
Please read more about poisoning in pets here . If an accident occurs, contact your veterinarian immediately, or call the poison information center on 010-456 6700 . Try to estimate what your dog has ingested and how much it has ingested.
Sources: Agria , The poison information center and The Norwegian Veterinary Institute (SVA)