
About us

What can we add to an industry that is already doing everything to make it better?

our history

With our background as pharmacists, the customer's well-being has of course always been most important. That the right medical need is matched with the right product and the right advice.

To constantly work to improve both treatment and treatment. But we have also experienced that it can be difficult for the customer to understand the difference between all pharmacy products and that they may not relieve as well as desired. It made us put the white coat aside, at least for a while, to try to find better and more effective medical options.

Addeira was founded in 2019 by the two pharmacists Malkolm and Robert.

Personal concern, curiosity and optimism are our path to better well-being for the individual, healthcare and society at large.


Our vision and mission

Addeira, by becoming the most valued and fast-moving supplier of commercial goods, medical technology products and pharmaceuticals to pharmacies and other consumer trade, will create a better everyday health and quality of life for people and animals.

Addeira must actively work towards becoming the most valued supplier within its respective segments, which is defined as the actor that creates the most customer value.


Culture and core values

At Addeira, our corporate culture is rooted in values ​​such as participation, perseverance and responsibility. For us, a healthy corporate culture is of the utmost importance, and it already starts in the recruitment process where we look for employees who are not only competent but also understand and appreciate our core values. Our culture is characterized by concepts such as familiarity, transparency, high ceilings and solution-oriented. We also value teamwork and a supportive work environment.

We see every customer's question or problem as an opportunity to exceed their expectations. It is our constant ambition to deliver the highest possible value to our customers. We believe that companies that create real value over time for their customers also have the greatest potential for success.


Your health is important

Medicines insurance is an insurance scheme created specifically to protect patients who may have suffered injuries or side effects due to their medication use. We at Addeira Pharmaceuticals AB have taken the initiative to join Läkemedelsförsäkringen to cover any damages that may arise due to the use of our medicines. This also means that we as a company are responsible for complying with the Swedish Product Liability Act or other compensation legal regulations. Medical insurance covers damages up to a certain amount. This means that if an injury or side effect should occur due to our medicines, the insurance will cover the costs incurred up to the amount agreed in the insurance.


Sustainability Policy


Climate compensation

Tips advice


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