Happy New Year With Dog - How to celebrate best together with your dog.

New Year's Eve is almost here and many people want to celebrate this with friends and family. We want everyone to be able to join in and enjoy the festivities – even our four-legged friends. Many dogs find fireworks unpleasant. Here are some good tips on how you can make it calmer and nicer together.
A happy new year with dogs - how do we make it as easy as possible for the dogs who unfortunately have negative experiences with rockets and firecrackers. An experienced event can be a challenge for the dog to process, instead we as dog owners can do what we can to alleviate the time before, during and after the New Year. For a safer happy new year with dog!
Tips for a Happy New Year with a dog
Stay away from firecrackers and fireworks
Avoid being near places where rockets and firecrackers are fired. Even if your dog is safe and calm, that can change quickly. If the dog is to continue to be a calm individual - give it good conditions instead of putting it to the test. Take the walk in good time before the stroke of twelve.
Do not leave a dog alone
Be together! If the dog is with others who can calm and distract, the chance increases that it will be good when it sounds the most outside.
Choose a safe place
Give your dog good conditions by being in a place that is safe. It can be in a special room or a favorite place at home. Preferably in combination with things that the dog likes. For example, a bassinet, blanket, chew bones or toys.
Keep the dog on a leash
Some dogs react by fleeing when frightened. This can be extra dangerous on New Years as it can run right into other fireworks and firecrackers. If you are outdoors, keep the dog on a leash at all times.
Get your dog to think about something else
Diversion is better than punishment or excessive pity. Give the dog a bone to chew on or play, if possible, instead. Leave the dog alone for a while if he hides.
Consult your veterinarian
Are you worried about your dog? Do not hesitate to speak to your vet in good time for further advice and assistance.
* Do you want to involve your surroundings for a safer place for dogs on New Year's Eve? Download the Swedish Kennel Club's poster here and spread.
Source: Swedish Kennel Club, SKK