Animal health

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”Jag rekommenderar schampot till alla hundägare, oavsett om de lider av allergi eller inte”

"I recommend the shampoo to all dog owners, whether they suffer from allergies or not"

That's what Sofia Deljerud, who regularly uses, says Allergenius® Dog Special Shampoo . It works so well on her three Portuguese water dogs that she was able to stop using conditioner altogether. She recommends the shampoo...
”Min dröm är att inga svenskar blir allergiker, och det är absolut möjligt”

"My dream is that no Swedes become allergic, and that is absolutely possible"

New studies, blood tests that measure which allergens you are allergic to, more fur allergens to test and a vaccine against fur allergy. Research group leader and associate professor Hans Grönlund tells more about what...

Allergy vaccination

The allergy gone after three vaccinations - is it possible? At the Karolinska Institutet in Solna, feverish work is currently underway to realize the dream of many fur allergy sufferers. Finding a cure for horse,...
En hund att läsa för

A dog to read to

At Sigtuna library, children can practice reading aloud in peace and quiet in front of reading dogs, a dog to read to, who neither judges nor stresses them out. The project, which received a very...
Allergenminskande schampo – Hundsport testar

Allergen-reducing shampoo – Hundsport tests

Too good to be true, or… A shampoo that allows many allergy sufferers to live with dogs without problems? Can it really work? Yes, the company Medi-Tec answers the question. TEXT: URSULA WILBY . PHOTO:...
Hur allergivänlig är din hund?

How hypoallergenic is your dog?

Tests reveal the dog's allergen profile. A society without allergies, is it possible? Yes, if associate professor Hans Grönlund, researcher at the Karolinska Institutet, is to be believed, it is not at all impossible. Perhaps...
Viveka valde rätt valp med hjälp av allergentest

Viveka chose the right puppy with the help of allergen tests

With the help of allergen tests, the allergist Viveka decided which puppy she should buy. The test resulted in the choice falling on the little labrador bitch Selma, who has not given her mother any...
Hundallergi gör att många hundar hamnar på Hundstallet

Dog allergies cause many dogs to end up at Hundsstallet

Over the years, the dog stable has helped thousands of dogs find new homes. About half of the people who want to give up their dog state allergy as the reason, says Jenny Lindahl, who...
Min ena labrador ger mig utslag, den andra ger mig inga besvär alls

My one labrador gives me a rash, the other gives me no problems at all

Many allergy sufferers get a rash from certain dogs, while others can be had without problems - even if they belong to the same breed. With more knowledge about dog allergens and through allergen tests,...