Animal health

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Allergiska besvär mot hund kan bero på pollen

Allergic problems to dogs can be caused by pollen

Most people know that dogs produce allergens that are spread via their fur. But can they also carry allergens other than their own and thus cause allergic problems? Researchers at Karolinska Institutet wanted to investigate...
Vi söker ambassadörer

We are looking for ambassadors

By being visible and spreading information, we get closer to our goal - to cure fur allergy sufferers so that more people can have fun together with dogs, cats and horses. Unfortunately, we have very...
Hunden Livia läker svårt sjuka barn

The dog Livia heals seriously ill children

At the Academic Children's Hospital in Uppsala, the labradoodle Livia works full time. Every week, together with the dog handler Helena Odenrick, she meets a number of patients with whom she plays. Livia's visits seem...
Så kan du hjälpa din hund när det är kallt ute

Here's how you can help your dog when it's cold outside

Playing and mischief in the snow is something that many dogs find fun. Now that it's cold there are a few things that might be good to think about. Here are some useful tips to...
Jul igen. Delad glädje är dubbel glädje.

Christmas again. Shared happiness is double happiness.

We're probably all looking forward to Christmas. Time for rest. Time for good food. Time to spend time with those we care about. For some, it is difficult to collect both large and small, dogs...
Forskningen ett steg närmare att matcha allergiker och hundar

The research is one step closer to matching allergy sufferers and dogs

New study on birch pollen and yeasts in the dog's fur, as well as allergy matching between dog and human. We spoke with Guro Gafvelin, who is associate professor of immunology at the Karolinska Institutet,...
Läkarnas råd: Byt karriär

Doctors' advice: Change careers

Taking medication six times a day for her dog allergy was not something that Hanna Karlsson saw as sustainable. Nor to give up his choice of profession and greatest interest – dogs. - Sometimes I...
”Sonen har inte behövt ta någon allergimedicin de senaste veckorna”

"The son has not had to take any allergy medicine in recent weeks"

Hypoallergenic, fine fur and no dandruff - there are several reasons why Kerstin Gryhed is satisfied with Allergenius Dog® Special Shampoo. The son who is allergic has stopped taking Clarityn after the shampoo change, and...
Ett glädjande besked

A pleasing message

Everyone knows by now what a great benefit dogs are in various contexts. Not just traditional service dogs that work in the police, customs and the like; so-called social service dogs are becoming more and...