Animal health

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Jul & nyår med hund - Låt inte allergi bli ett hinder

Christmas & New Year with a dog - Don't let allergies become an obstacle

Allergies can be a big problem, especially during Christmas when everyone wants to be together. If you suffer from allergies, it can therefore be difficult to spend time with relatives' four-legged friends. Often, you are...
Sommartid - Undvik faror för hunden

Summer time - Avoid dangers for the dog

Summer time - Avoid dangers for the dog Summer is almost here. For many, it means holidays and spending time with friends, family and their pets. Despite all the wonderful things that await, there are...
Hundar på jobbet - Positivt enligt amerikansk studie

Dogs at work - Positive according to American study

According to an American study, dogs in the workplace have a positive effect on how stressed the staff feel. Swedish legislation is relatively permissive regarding dogs at work. Allergy to fur animals, on the other...
Roligare tillsammans – trots allergi mot hund eller katt

More fun together - despite allergies to dogs or cats

Do you want to make it possible for dogs and cats to stay together with allergic people? Skin care is the key to reducing allergy symptoms. For a fur allergy sufferer, it can be difficult...
Testpanelen: Balsam för hunden hjälper allergiker

The test panel: Conditioner for dogs helps allergy sufferers

The newspaper Hundsport has had six dog owners test it Allergenius® Special conditioner . Among other questions to be answered was whether the balm had any additional effect. And can it be allowed to go longer between...
Äntligen ha hund igen trots allergi – Knepet är köttbullar i duschen

Finally have a dog again despite the allergy – The trick is meatballs in the shower

A life with a dog has always been important to Matilda Hübinette. Seven years ago, she became severely allergic to fur animals and then had to give up her dog. Today, Matilda is mother to...
Gott Nytt År Med Hund – Så firar du bäst tillsammans med din hund.

Happy New Year With Dog - How to celebrate best together with your dog.

New Year's Eve is almost here and many people want to celebrate this with friends and family. We want everyone to be able to join in and enjoy the festivities – even our four-legged friends....
Nya projekt presenterades på hundmässan

New projects were presented at the dog fair

We were present at this year's big dog fair in Stockholm. If you missed the chance to participate, you can see what we presented and what aids for allergy sufferers will be available in 2017....
Specialschampot ersatte allergimedicin för både hund och matte

The special shampoo replaced allergy medicine for both dog and cat

Anette Blomgren and her yorkshire terrier Holger, 13 years old, both suffered from allergic problems. She against dog and he against grass and mites. Both have now been able to reduce their medication and the...