Health's dogs - Podcast episode about fur allergy

Here you can listen to when Hälsan's dogs interviewed us about fur allergy. The interview itself starts at 4:30 and lasts about 50 minutes. You can find it here.
Hälsan's dogs are hosted by Medi-Tec
In this episode of Health Dogs, Sara Karlberg and Helena Eriksson are visited by none other than Bo Karlstedt and Hans Grönlund from Medi-Tec. Hans Grönlund is a researcher who focused specifically on research into furry animal allergies and founded the company Medi-Tec where Bo Karlstedt is CEO.
Together in this episode they talk about what allergy is, address the myth of hypoallergenic dogs, tell you how to make your dog less allergenic and much more. They also talk about the shampoo and conditioner they developed under the name Allergenius, which drastically reduces dog allergens. At Allergenius, you can also order test kits to see which dog allergens you yourself cannot tolerate, as well as which allergens a certain individual dog carries.
Sara and Helena hope that you will get many questions answered with this episode, and that the listener will be inspired to reduce the amount of allergens from us dog people with the hope of a more accessible society for both allergy sufferers and dogs - side by side.
To get to the section, you can click here .
Health dogs podcast about social service dogs
Hälsans Hundar is a podcast about social service dogs, mainly the service dogs that work in teams with their handlers against an individual or a group of people - often in care, school, care and social work. The podcast covers current topics that may be of interest to those who want to train their dog, the fully trained dog team as well as the unit manager or the politician who wants to bring a dog into a workplace or in a municipality. Sara and Helena share their knowledge and thoughts, meet current guests and answer listener questions
Since 2009, Sara Karlberg and Helena Eriksson have worked side by side through the Swedish Therapy Dog School, Sara as CEO and Helena as right hand and teacher. Together, they have traveled around the country to test dogs for suitability, train dog teams and help with the start-up of the Norwegian Therapy Dog School and the Finnish Therapy Dog School.